What Was Once Land, Is Now Just Ground

The intuitive knowledge we have of the land of our birth country plays an essential role in our growth. As we explore our environment as children we discover the plants, the animal and insects. We come to understand the smells, sights, sounds and feelings associated with the weather and seasons. When in a new country, … Read More

Youth Film Project

For a year I worked with verd de gris arts and young people from across the borough of Calderdale, in a bid to understand more about the impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on them, their lives, their schooling, their families, their friends. We discussed their attitudes to mental health and wellbeing, and some of the … Read More

Soul Journey

A collaboration with a community arts based organisation, Verd de Gris, a poet and myself. It was a project in response to myths that exist around dementia. Very often there is a mis-understanding that dementia, being an ‘incurable’ or ‘difficult’ condition is filled only with anxiety and confusion, devoid of joy or fulfilment. Soul Journey … Read More